
Cleaning Your Office Furniture

At A-1 Cleaning we understand the importance of a dust-free environment. We also realize that your office furniture is as important to your employees as it is to your clients. Our practices remove as much dust as possible from your furniture’s surfaces.

If you prefer a non-chemical cleaning solution used on your furniture, we do have several safe and efficient products.

If you are a client with antique furniture, we want to ensure that these articles are cleaned and handled carefully, keeping in mind that not all furniture should be cleaned in the same way. Special attention is always paid when cleaning expensive and treasured furniture.

Most commercial offices and facilities are set up so that all furniture is set in stone to a specific place. At A-1 Cleaning we take pride in making sure your furniture is cleaned and left just as you left it.

Cleaning is our business. You can trust A-1 Cleaning to keep your furniture clean and presentable for your next business day.

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